Purrr tutorial

I made this tutorial as part of the emblr sessions. I hope you enjoy it as well!


In this tutorial I will give a short introduction on the functionalities of the purrr package. I love this quote by Rebecca Barter that exactly described my feeling about this package before I started working with it:

Purrr is one of those tidyverse packages that you keep hearing about, and you know you should probably learn it, but you just never seem to get around to it.

I hope that this short introduction will help you figure out why it is interesting to learn some purrr and give you the first tools to further explore the power of this package!

So what is it about? The package’s homepage mentions it is all about functional programming. Since that term does not make a lot of sense to most biologists I prefer to go for the more alternative description: It’s all about iteration! I myself, have got to known its usefulness when I was following a machine learning course. I had to apply the same model to different datasets (e.g. training, validation and test dataset) or apply different models (e.g. linear regression or support vector machine) to the exact same dataset. Without purrr, I would have written different for-loops to get this done. So remember this: If you need a for-loop to get it done, you can probably use purrr’s map instead!

Make sure to check out the purrr cheatsheet as it gives a handy overview of some of the functions and concepts I will be discussing here.


I assume that you are familiar with basic tidyverse verbs and the pipe (%>%) operator.

Getting started

Purrr is part of the tidyverse. If you do not have that installed, please re-evaluate your life choices and run the following code line:


and then load it:


Next we will load the data that we will be using in this tutorial. Since most of us have a biological background, I will be using a biological dataset: the NCBI Eukaryotic genome dataset.

You can either download the dataset yourself and reformat it a little bit with this code:

eukaryotes <- read_tsv(
  file = "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GENOME_REPORTS/eukaryotes.txt", 
  na = c("", "na", "-")

# Reformat dataset headers
names_new <- names(eukaryotes) %>% 
  str_replace_all("[#%()]", "") %>% 
  str_replace_all("[ /]", "_") %>%

eukaryotes <- eukaryotes %>% 

# Save tibble
write_tsv(eukaryotes, "data/eukaryotes.tsv")

or read in the pre-formatted data using the following command:

eukaryotes <- read_tsv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/swuyts/purrr_tutorial/master/data/eukaryotes.tsv")

Exploring our dataset

Let’s first have a look at what our dataset looks like.


This file contains some basic information about the genomic content of all eukaryotes that were uploaded to the NCBI Genome database. It contains accession numbers, information about the quality of the genome and stats such a average genome size and GC-content. It’s a fun dataset to explore if you are interested in molecular biology.

The first question that came to mind when I loaded this dataset was: How many different organisms are there in our dataset? That’s easy to answer:

eukaryotes %>% 
  pull(organism_name) %>% 

Okay that seems to be around half the number of observations we have in the dataframe. Naturally, I also have a bunch of other questions I’d like to see answered:

  • How many different institutes (centers) submitted a genome?
  • The data seem to be grouped in groups. How many groups are there?
  • How many sub groups are there?

There’s a few ways you can handle this, e.g. the tidyverse verb summarise() is helpful for this. Another way to solve this is to use a for-loop.

# Keep only variables you are interested in for this analysis
eukaryotes_subset <- eukaryotes %>% 
  select(organism_name, center, group, subgroup)

# Loop over these variables and print out their length
for (variable in 1:length(names(eukaryotes_subset))){

  # Get the name of the variable
  name <- names(eukaryotes_subset)[variable]

  # Get the number of unique entries of that variable
  length <- eukaryotes_subset[, variable] %>% 

  print(str_c(name, ": ", length))


The above approach might be a little bit far-fetched, but it works and is an example of the fact that we are applying the same function ( n_distinct()) multiple times. And like I said in the beginning, as soon as you run into a for-loop in R, you should immediately start to think about purrr. So how do we solve this with purrr?

Map function

Time to introduce the workhorse of the purrr package: map().

The map functions transform their input by applying a function to each element of a list or atomic vector and returning an object of the same length as the input.

In its essence map() is the tidyverse equivalent of the base R apply family of functions.

The basic syntax is map(.x, .f, ...) where:

  • .x is a list, vector or dataframe
  • .f is a function

map() will then apply .f to each element of .x in turn.

Scheme showing the map function of purrr

That sounds useful, because we want to apply the function n_distinct to each variable of oureukaryotes_subset dataset.

map(eukaryotes_subset, n_distinct)

or with the pipe operator:

eukaryotes_subset %>% 


Map_ functions

The above is already a very satisfactory result. However, we can do better.

One property of the map() function is that it will always return a list. That can be useful in many cases, but sometimes also very annoying if you want to e.g. quickly plot something. That is where the map_*() functions come in handy. They will return an object of the type you specified (or die trying):

  • map_lgl() returns a logical
  • map_int() returns an integer vector
  • map_dbl() returns a double vector
  • map_chr() returns a character vector
  • map_df() returns a data frame

A short demonstration:

# Apply n_distinct to all variables, returning a double
map_dbl_result <- eukaryotes_subset %>% 

# Print out result

# Print out type of result

In this case, it returned a named numeric vector.

Let’s try returning a data frame:

# Apply n_distinct to all variables, returning a dataframe
map_df_result <- eukaryotes_subset %>% 

# Print out result

# Check if output is a data frame (tibble in this case)

I think map_df is extremely useful because you can feed it’s output directly into a ggplot2 call:

eukaryotes_subset %>% 
  map_df(n_distinct) %>% 
  # Convert to longer format
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "variable", values_to = "count") %>%
  # Start plotting
  ggplot(aes(x = variable, y = count)) +
  geom_col() +

Okay now that we know the basics of the map() function, we can move on to examples wherein this functionality really comes in handy.

Nested tibbles

But before we do that, a quick detour to nested tibbles!

What is nesting?

Nesting converts grouped data to a form where each group becomes a single row containing a nested data frame, and unnesting does the opposite.

Scheme showing how nested tibbles work

This kind of format can be useful in many situations, for example:

  • You have performed an experiment under 4 different conditions and want to transform the data in exactly the same way, but per condition
  • You have been working with 10 different micro-organisms and do some magic R work on each of these organisms

In our case, we might want to split our data set according to the groups defined in the group variable:

eukaryotes %>% pull(group) %>% unique()

There’s a very simple procedure to do this:

  • Group by your variable of interest using group_by()
  • Use the nest() function
eukaryotes_nested <- eukaryotes %>% 
  group_by(group) %>% 


Interesting! What happened here? If you use Rstudio, opening the newly created eukaryotes_nested data set, might give you a clue.

What happened here, is that our combination of group_by() and nest() created a tibble, with a regular column and a list column. The latter is a column with a list of 5 different data frames, one for each grouping variable that was present in our group variable.

A closer look to this list column shows us what is going on

eukaryotes_nested %>% pull(data)

Basically, we have split up our gigantic eukaryote data frame into 5 smaller data frames, one for each grouping variable, but still stored in one convenient data frame called eukaryotes_nested. (data frame-ception?)

You can now access each of these sub data frames e.g. using base R list operators:

eukaryotes_nested$data[[1]] %>% View()

If you had enough of your nested table, you can easily unnest it again using unnest():

eukaryotes_nested %>% 

And everything is back to normal!

Combining nested tibbles and map

Getting started

Finally, we are ready to show what the combination of nested tibbles and map() are capable of!

Let’s start with something very simple. We have subsetted our data in 5 different data frames. Maybe we first want to know how many observations each of this sub data frame has? We can easily do that using nrow() and repeat that 5 times in e.g. a for-loop. However, you have been paying good attention to this tutorial and realise that instead of writing a for-loop, you could just use the map() function!

map(eukaryotes_nested$data, nrow)

Cool, that gives us the result, but not really in a very convenient way. What if we store this output as a new column of our data frame? Creating a new column in the tidyverse means using mutate():

eukaryotes_nested %>% 
  mutate(n_row = map(data, # The first argument of map is our variable named data
                     nrow # The second argument defines the function that needs to be applied

Almost there! Remember that map always returns a list? If we expect that the result is one single digit, then it might be easier to use one of the map_*() variants.

eukaryotes_nested %>% 
  mutate(n_row = map_int(data,

Good job. Now we know that Fungi have much more observations than for example the Protists.

Let’s get a little more sofisticated. What if we want to answer all my initial questions again, but then now for each sub data frame?

  • How many different organisms are there per group?
  • How many different institutes (centers) submitted a genome per group?
  • How many sub groups are there per group?

Previously we solved this by:

1) Selecting all columns we were interested in summarising
2) Map the n_distinct() function to all these variables

Intuitively you might come up with a solution like this:

eukaryotes_nested %>% 
  mutate(n_organisms = map_dbl(data,

Unfortunately, this will not work. The main problem here is that the function provided, namely n_distinct(organism_name) can not find the variable organism_name as it is looking for this variable in the data frame eukaryotes_nested and not within the data frame that we provided, namely eukaryotes_nested$data[[1]] to eukaryotes_nested$data[[5]]. To avoid this we need to better define our function. We can do this in two different ways:

# Define a custom function
n_distinct_organisms <- function(data) {

  data %>% 
    pull(organism_name) %>% 


# Define a custom function as a formula
# .x is the notation for the object that is given as an input to this function.
n_distinct_organisms2 <- ~ .x %>% 
  pull(organism_name) %>% 

Now we can apply the function to our nested data

eukaryotes_nested %>% 
  mutate(n_organisms = map_dbl(data,
         n_organisms2 = map_dbl(data,

Both give the exact same results!

We do not need to define these function prior to the map() call. We can actually also define these functions on the fly. By now, the following code should make sense to you:

eukaryotes_nested %>% 
  mutate(n_organisms = map_dbl(data,
                               ~ .x %>% pull(organism_name) %>% n_distinct),
         n_centers = map_dbl(data,
                             ~ .x %>% pull(center) %>% n_distinct),
         n_subgroups = map_dbl(data,
                               ~ .x %>% pull(subgroup) %>%  n_distinct))

In the above code chunk we applied 3 slightly different functions 5 times, once on each subset of our original eukaryotes data set.

Building linear models

Time to get some real insights into our data. Let’s say we came up with the following hypothesis:

"The bigger the size of a genome, the higher the number of proteins"

We could make a visualisation of this by simply plotting all the log10 transformed points.

eukaryotes %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = size_mb, y = genes)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_log10() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  geom_smooth(method = lm)

Well, that does not seem to be the best fit ever. However, if the genome size is higher than 10 Mb, it does follow a somewhat linear trend. Let’s build a simple linear model:

# First transform to log 10
eukaryotes_log10 <- eukaryotes %>% 
  mutate(log10_genes = log10(genes),
         log10_size_mb = log10(size_mb))

# Fit simple linear model
model <- lm(log10_genes ~ log10_size_mb, data = eukaryotes_log10)

# Get the R squared

Well by printing out the R squared, we can put a number on how bad our simple model is.

But what if we want to perform this fit for each group in our data set? We can subset our data and then write a for-loop to build a simple model for each data set. Or by now you know that we can nest our data frame and use map.

eukaryotes_log10_lm <- eukaryotes_log10 %>% 
  group_by(group) %>% 
  nest() %>% 
    # Map data into linear model
    model = map(data,
                ~ lm(log10_genes ~ log10_size_mb, data = .x)

    # Map linear model into summary function to get r squared
    r2 = map_dbl(model,
                 ~ summary(.x)$r.squared)


It is clear that the simple models we made are not good enough, but still we can try to predict the number of genes for each group, given different newly observed genome sizes.

new_observations <-
    log10_size_mb = log10(c(0.5, 123, 500))

eukaryotes_log10_lm <- eukaryotes_log10_lm %>% 
  mutate(log_10_predicted_genes = map(
    ~ tibble(
      log10_size_mb = new_observations$log10_size_mb,
      log10_genes = predict(.x, new_observations)


If we are only interested in these newly predicted values we can select our grouping variable and these predicted_genes and unnest the dataframe. We can then feed that into ggplot2 to start plotting!

eukaryotes_log10_lm %>% 
  select(group, log_10_predicted_genes) %>% 
  unnest(cols = c("log_10_predicted_genes")) %>% 
  mutate(size_mb = 10 ^ log10_size_mb,
         genes = 10 ^ log10_genes) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = group, y = genes)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_wrap(~ size_mb, scales = "free_y")

In summary

What you learned today:

  • When and how to use the map() function
  • How to build nested data frames and why that is useful
  • How to combine map() and nested data frames to apply a function to a subset of your data.

Reference materials

The content of this workshop has been based on the following interesting and helpful resources:

Raw RMarkdown files and data can be found on Github.

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